
Course Title: Microprocessor

Course No: CSC162

Nature of the Course: Theory + Lab

Semester: II

Full Marks: 60 + 20 + 20

Pass Marks: 24 + 8 + 8

Credit Hrs: 3

Course Description

This course contains fundamental concepts of computer organization, basic I/O interfaces and Interrupts operations.

Course Objectives

The course objective is to introduce the operation, programming and application of microprocessor.

Course Contents
Unit 1: Introduction (4 Hrs.)
  • Introduction to Microprocessor, Components of a Microprocessor: Registers, ALU and control & timing, System bus (data, address and control bus), Microprocessor systems with bus organization
Unit 2: Basic Architecture (7 Hrs.)
  • Microprocessor Architecture and Operations, Memory, I/O devices, Memory and I/O operations, 8085 Microprocessor Architecture, Address, Data And Control Buses, 8085 Pin Functions, Demultiplexing of Buses, Generation Of Control Signals
Unit 3: Instruction Cycle (3 Hrs.)
  • Fetch Operation and Timing Diagram; Execute Operation and Timing Diagram, Instruction Cycle, Machine Cycle, T-States, T-States, Memory Interfacing
Unit 4: Assembly Language Programming (10 Hrs.)
  • Assembly instruction format, Instruction Types, Mnemonics, Operands, Macro assemblers, Linking, Assembler directives, Addressing Modes, Simple sequence programs, Flags, Branch, Jumps, While-Do, Repeat-Until, If-Then-Else and Multiple If-then Programs, Debugging
Unit 5: Basic I/O, Memory R/W and Interrupt Operations (6 Hrs.)
  • Memory Read, Memory Write, I/O Read, I/O Write, Direct Memory Access, Interrupt, Types, Interrupt Masking
Unit 6: Input/ Output Interfaces (6 Hrs.)
  • Interfacing Concepts, Ports, Interfacing Of I/O Devices, Interrupts In 8085, Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259A, Programmable Peripheral Interface 8255A
Unit 7: Advanced Microprocessors (9 Hrs.)
  • 8086: logical block diagram and segments, 80286: Architecture, Registers, (Real/Protected mode), Privilege levels, descriptor cache, Memory access in GDT and LDT, multitasking, addressing modes, flag register 80386: Architecture, Register organization, Memory access in protected mode, Paging.
Laboratory Works

The laboratory work includes Assembly language programming using 8085/8086/8088 trainer kit. The programming should include: Arithmetic operation, base conversion, conditional branching etc. The lab work list may include following concepts:

  • Assembly language program using 8085 microprocessor kit.
  • Use of all types of instructions and addressing modes.
  • Arrays and the concept of Multiplications and Division operations on Microprocessor.
  • Assembly language programming, using any types of Assembler, including the different functions of Int 10h, and 12h.
Text Books
  • Ramesh S.Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with 8085, Prentice Hall.
Reference Books
  • A.P.Malvino and J.A.Brown, Digital Computer Electronics, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
  • D.V.Hall, Microprocessors and Interfacing – Programming and Hardware, McGraw Hill.
  • 8000 to 8085 Introduction to 8085 Microprocessor for Engineers and Scientists, A.K.Gosh, Prentice Hall.