Web Technology
Course Title: Web Technology
Course No: CSC318
Nature of the Course: Theory + Lab
Semester: V
Full Marks: 60 + 20 + 20
Pass Marks: 24 + 8 + 8
Credit Hours: 3
Course Description
This course covers the fundamental concepts of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, and PHP.
Course Objectives
- Provide basic knowledge of web design using HTML and CSS.
- Teach client-side scripting using JavaScript.
- Handle web data using XML.
- Understand server-side scripting using PHP.
Detail Syllabus
Unit 1: Introduction (3 Hrs.)
- Web Basics: Internet, Intranet, WWW, Static and Dynamic Web Page
- Web Clients; Web Servers
- Client Server Architecture: Single Tier, Two-Tier, Multi-Tier
- HTTP: HTTP Request and Response
- URL, Client Side Scripting, Server Side Scripting
- Web 1.0, Web 2.0
Unit 2: Hyper Text Markup Language (10 Hrs.)
- Introduction to HTML; Elements of HTML Document
- HTML Elements and Attributes: Headings, Paragraph, Division
- Formatting: b, i, small, sup, sub; Spacing: Pre, Br
- Formatting Text Phrases: span, strong, tt
- Image element; Anchors
- Lists: Ordered, Unordered, and Definition
- Tables; Frames; Forms: Form Elements, ID attributes, Class Attributes
- Meta Tag, Audio, Video, Canvas, Main, Section, Article, Header, Footer, Aside, Nav, Figure Tags
- HTML Events: Window Events, Form Element Events, Keyboard Events, Mouse Events
Unit 3: Cascading Style Sheets (8 Hrs.)
- Introduction to CSS; CSS Syntax
- Inserting CSS: Inline, Internal, External
- ID and Class Selectors; Colors; Backgrounds; Borders; Text; Font; List; Table
- CSS Box Model; Normal Flow Box Layout: Basic Box Layout, Display Property, Padding, Margin
- Positioning: Relative, Float, Absolute
- CSS3 Borders, Box Shadows, Text Effects and Shadow
- Basics of Responsive Web Designs; Media Queries
- Introduction to Bootstrap
Unit 4: Client Side Scripting with JavaScript (9 Hrs.)
- Structure of JavaScript Program; Variables and Data Types
- Statements: Expression, Keyword, Block
- Operators; Flow Controls, Looping, Functions
- Popup Boxes: Alert, Confirm, Prompt
- Objects and Properties; Constructors
- Arrays; Built-in Objects: Window, String, Number, Boolean, Date, Math, RegExp, Form, DOM
- User Defined Objects
- Event Handling and Form Validation
- Error Handling, Handling Cookies
- jQuery Syntax; jQuery Selectors, Events and Effects
- Introduction to JSON
Unit 5: AJAX and XML (7 Hrs.)
- Basics of AJAX
- Introduction to XML and its Application
- Syntax Rules for Creating XML Document
- XML Elements; XML Attributes; XML Tree
- XML Namespace; XML Schema Languages: DTD, XSD
- XSD Simple Types, XSD Attributes, XSD Complex Types
- XML Style Sheets (XSLT); XQuery
Unit 6: Server Side Scripting using PHP (8 Hrs.)
- PHP Syntax, Variables, Data Types, Strings, Constants, Operators
- Control Structure, Functions, Array
- Creating Class and Objects
- PHP Forms: Accessing Form Elements, Form Validation
- Events, Cookies, Sessions
- Working with PHP and MySQL: Connecting to Database, Creating, Selecting, Deleting, Updating Records
- Introduction to CodeIgniter, Laravel, WordPress
Recommended Books
- Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery Set, Jon Duckett, John Wiley & Sons
- Web Technologies: A Computer Science Perspective, Jeffrey C. Jackson, Pearson Prentice Hall
- Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: with jQuery, CSS & HTML5, Robin Nixon, O’Reilly
- PHP & MySQL: Server-side Web Development, Jon Duckett, Wiley
Reference Books
- HTML5 and CSS3 for the Real World, Estelle Weyl, Louis Lazaris, Alexis Goldstein, Sitepoint
- HTML & CSS: Design and Build Websites, Jon Duckett, John Wiley & Sons
- Dynamic Web Programming and HTML5, Paul S. Wang, CRC Press
- HTML5 Programming with JavaScript for Dummies, John Paul Mueller
- JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-end Web Development, Jon Duckett, Wiley
- The Complete Reference: HTML and CSS, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill
- JavaScript: The Web Technologies Series, Don Gosseli, Course Technology Cengage Learning
- Web Technologies: HTML, JavaScript, PHP, JAVA, JSP, ASP.NET, XML and AJAX, Black Book, Dreamtech Press
- An Introduction to XML and Web Technologies, Anders Møller and Michael I. Schwartzbach, Addison-Wesley
- PHP and MySQL Web Development, Luke Welling, Addison Wesley
- www.w3schools.com